As usual, but more likely as a law, went out to somewhere after a week of exam. This time, Pavillion with S&J. I did enjoy a great chat-along time instead of activities to hurry through. So Mr.J and me waited Ms.S for nearly an hour after exam, and we monorailed like usual to Pavillion.
Carl's Jr brunch.
my mushroom burger is super nice, but it costs RM52.10 for just two combo set. x(
once I tried for horror movie again- Ms.S and me screamed at the climax, and everyone happened to look for the two siaozabor who was screaming. ==Movie today, THE HOLE.
random. ♥
Baskin Robbins.
ice-cream fondue
ice-cream fondue
It costs RM41.90. :(
♥Friends like us, topics range from school to family but never end. It's something really miracle. No, we don't stick together often like others, but when it came to a chance, we'll get together automatically.
不需要太多的语言文字,我们总是用行动证明对方存在的朋友。我们不常说话,但我们了解彼此. 在许多流言蜚语的冲击下,我们依然支持者对方. 雪莹,蔚庭,传阳,静仪,真的很谢谢你们总是在我需要的时候出现. 认识你们真好 :) 因为我知道这是一段经得起考验的友谊!
渐渐长大后,会发现真正能持久的朋友不多,所以我真的很认真地维持每段友谊. 突然想告诉她,你曾经一直是我定义的最好的朋友. 现在我们怎么了? 还是一直以来是我一厢情愿的把你当成好朋友? :( 我讨厌擦肩而过却视而不见的感觉.
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