a shirt bought from Australia, imagining if I'm afford to collect monkey's t-shirtsss from the whole world. xP
下午陪妈妈,弟妹,表弟妹去配眼镜. 我也顺便check了一下,一边50一边75,我也沦落到近视了,不过还是硬颈地选择不配眼镜 xD
camwhore with minn-, thee is more beautiful then summer. :P
晚上在表妹家吃火锅,我们自己包自己的水饺xP. 我和表妹自己霸一锅tomyam,其他人吃清汤x)
晚上在表妹家吃火锅,我们自己包自己的水饺xP. 我和表妹自己霸一锅tomyam,其他人吃清汤x)
提灯笼,玩蜡烛. Ham风年代没做的事了.
回来后还吃月饼和柚子. 本来打算开红酒的,不过开不到,所以喝汽水. :)
I'm so fully full ==.
3 commentaires:
OOOH! i used the same lantern that you used! the bird lantern!!!! :D
such coincidence! teehee
wen yea:
现在点还来得及 xD
I have a lot of the same thing in my house ==
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