dimanche 23 août 2009


At last, I hang out again.
my little little harvest today:

1. A pair of black gladiator with a little heels.
I could hardly adapt to high heels, I used to walk silly with high heels. ==
2. North star white shoes.
For my shoes have been worn-out almost half year. Straps are always the best for lazy people. =)

And some tit-bits to encourage myself on study. xP
Cornflakes, 500g with only RM5.99!!! so I grabbed two. ==

Chipsmore.Butter cookies.Perhaps, a bunch of banana^^. Monkey's favourite.
and others like vitagen, justea, ingredients for salad, ingredient for pudding. xD P/S:they are rewards for myself for I have reduced 3kg from my weight in August. ==stupid.
I'm planning for a trip in this holiday too, Genting Highland or Melaka?

2 commentaires:

kio♥ko a dit…

wa..!! i wan reduced tooo

Sweathui. a dit…

neh x)