lundi 16 mai 2011

Drool meets cool -

love to watch movie alone recently, and used to watch some before I start to work especially when I'm afternoon shift. :)

12 Apr 2011.
It's fun, colourful and joyous. I always love colourful things ;)

13 Apr 2011.

29 Apr 2011.
I don't know how others rated this movie but I'm in love with 刘亦菲 after this. She's so sweet-

London bridge is falling down-

25th of March, 2011.

It's a really late post, haha. Mama was back from Macau that night and she bought me something.

Dinasaur egg, I know some of you might be playing this when you were a kid. ==
Actually my mum bought this for my little cousin brother, but I insist to get one also! xP
so I put it in a big glass with water, and wait --
Some leggings and jackets.
Broadband pendrive.
Mini radio.
A lovely monkey pyjamas!!!

Few days after...

baby dinasaur came out :)

DaiB dao~

and here! Ta-Dang, my bangs is getting longer. wahahahaha~

lundi 18 avril 2011

My cookie can

Can't even remember what was the date because it was a really disappointed gathering. :(
but luckily Miss Mar came along, made me fee that I'm not alone ( smile again :D )

Midvalley, after those no-point-gathering-together friends left, we enjoyed our shopping. We both bought something from Reebok..then headed to this fast food restaurant, introduced by Miss Mar - Ninja Joe!

Yummy, (thumbs up!) it's a retaurant selling porkchop burger with six flavors, nice :) and yet CUTE!

(#anyone with JOE in your IC name can get free meal! )

phew, I really appreciate that you were there :) I appreciate that you didn't make that artificial barrier called gap to apart us. Yeah, like what I discussed with Miss Cherry on twitter, true friends can easily differentiate from normal friends just after we left that school -

I wanna talk about the disappointed gathering anyway, stay tuned ;D

lundi 11 avril 2011

You gave me roses, and I left them there to die.

大家左乳!!! 最近迷上了九把刀的小说,就一直死命买死命看,杀手系列都市恐怖病系列住在黑暗系列蛤棒传奇魔力棒球……现在想攻下猎命师传奇,虽然现在应该是努力读英文书的时候,可是我又能怎样呢? :P

除了书,最近一直疯狂进行的事就是这个,数字填图~ 就好像小时后跟着数字涂上指定的颜色那样,超爱的! 只是现在长大了,要改成油画,不可以再用颜色笔那么丢脸了。



一完成,我又去买一幅新的了xP 到目前为止,我所知道最便宜的是在popular啦~ 没办法,我喜欢涂颜色,却不喜欢想要画什么,这是最适合不过的了 :D

最近工作很平常,就几个新人进来,又几个旧人被停职,然后被几个黑人骚扰得很不耐烦,就这样 ;D